Don't Call It a Comeback

Martin Shkreli and polio have been here for years.

Things That Are Back:

FT reports that Ben and Justin “No Relation” Smith’s long-simmering Soupplans to promote reader trust by splitting… stories into separate sections, breaking apart the news from the reporter’s analysis. There will also be a section offering an opposing view, and a view from another region in the world.” Finally, a media startup has identified what’s missing from news stories today: sections. FT also notes that among the mononominal duo’s investors are Bahamian shorts model Sam Bankman-Fried and the founder of venture capital industry circular The Information, Jessica Lessin.

Is Scott Galloway the Howard Stern of the Business World?” asks Christopher Beam, which I think is Timesian for “is Scott Galloway a center-left dude with generally progressive attitudes except for his pervasive misogyny?” and the answer appears to be yes.

Go Read Something Else:

There’s a heap of good stuff for you to read today so stop wasting your time here and get to it.

Today’s Song: The Sea and Cake, “Polio”

~ once again, back is the incredible, the rhyme animal, the untabbable ~

I’m so sorry for that Saturn tweet. If you find it baffling, just… be glad? Do not under any circumstances, attempt to delve. Also yesterday’s email was full of typos, starting with the title. If you didn’t notice, great! If you did notice: so did I. Pound it. 👊


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