Things keep happening and no one seems able to stop them.
w/opener Failson and The Dope Smoking Legacy Nephews, 18+ doors 7:00pm
Dwight Garner murders a pig for literature.
If even cruelty doesn’t work, what hope is there for capitalism?
I wrote this in Sublime Text, so don't start a riot
Current pro forma financial model does not account for Tabs
Also: Cara Delevingne's vagina tunnel and no-pants baseball.
Did you vote? What you're feeling right now is regret, and shame. But we are going to get through this.
Go Deeper ↓ (1 min. read)
Is it really real or it's just online?
If you're looking for a fixer-upper, read on! DO NOT OPEN FREEZER IN BASEMENT.
A thorny nest of teeth and Antarctica